Dynamic values let us provide a formula as the initial or final value that depends on a node property or its surrounding.

Fixed value

Before looking at dynamic values, let’s have a look at the following example:


The animation translates the group children to their current position, as we haven’t defined any final value for x, from an initial position.

In the example the initial position is [current_value] - 100, supposing that 100 is the width of the node(s).

Limitations of fixed values

We assumed that 100 is the node’s width, but:

  1. there is no real correlation between the number and actual width
  2. inside the grid, we might have nodes with different widths

Also, if we change any size of the nodes, we would then adjust the animation with the new value.

Let’s calculate it

Sure, we could calculate the value manually, for example:


We fix the issue number 1, but the 2nd still stands. Also, we made the code a bit less reusable as we tightened our “from” value to a specific node.

Dynamic value

Anima solves all the limitations of the fixed values by letting you specify a dynamic formula that is computed when the animation is initialised.


The syntax of a single dynamic value is:

  [relative node]:[property]:[sub key]
relative nodeNodenoThe node from whom retrieve the property and sub key. An empty value or . indicates the node animated itself
propertyVariantyesThe property value to compute
sub keyVariantnoThe property subkey



Let’s analyse the parts of the dynamic value, and we have :size:x

relative nodeThe value is empty, meaning that we’re going to read the property and subkey from the node we’re animating
propertysizeThe node size (or rect_size)
sub keyxThe size.x value

NOTE: One thing we must keep in mind is that Anima creates an animation for every node in Group and Grid animations, so using . or `` for the relative node means getting the property from the current child Anima is going to animate.

Let’s be more specific and consider a Grid node with the following children:

ButtonVector2(100, 100)
LabelVector2(50, 30)
SpriteVector2(150, 80)

When Anima generates the animation will compute -:size:x with:


As we can see, the initial value is replaced with the animated Node width. Also, the value is negative because we specified the - in the formula.

We can find more example of dynamic values in the following area:

  • Animate a single node
  • Animate a group node
  • Animate a grid